No Innovation without Vision

Many people, and consequently many businesses, make a very serious mistake when they attempt to innovate: they do not link working practices to a long-term vision, and therefore do not achieve significant results. History provides us with countless examples of this.

Did Christopher Columbus simply take a trip on his boat, or did he glimpse a future and a horizon that were unimaginable at the time and translate them into a route?

Did Steve Jobs just make a computer or did he build a vision of the world, imagining in it a new importance in how we use computers and then turn it into a revolutionary “machine”?

They both thought of the future starting with a motivating vision and a clear strategy. They started from something that, for them, was possible in the future and brought minds, hearts, and bodies together in order to achieve their objective.

Their stories, and those of countless companies that have left their mark in the marketplace, teach us that in order to generate high-impact innovation, you first have to think big and then act.

Discover more in this week’s Video Focus, by Luciano Attolico, CEO of Lenovys.


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