Growing as a team

2 days

course code 1. 15

What is the course for


Know the dynamics and mechanisms behind a successful team


Understand and appreciate the potential of each team member


Carry out the role of coach and mentor

What are the elements and foundations that make up a team? What are the characteristics of a high-performance team? Every business is accustomed to working in groups, but how many of these groups can be truly defined as highly-efficient “teams”?

The difference between a cohesive team and a disorganised group of people is that teams have common goals (profit, service, or mere survival) and a way of acting that maximises the value of each team member. If a work group does not achieve the required results or reaches them in the midst of conflicts, tension or negativity, then the people who are part of it will also experience frustration, become demotivated and their capacity to contribute enthusiastically to the company’s results will be limited.

Managing collaborators effectively and consciously implementing motivation techniques within work groups becomes indispensable to improving the performance of the group itself.

Moving from an individual perspective towards achieving team goals means building a team that is not just the sum of individual skills, but one that has its own identity and can work in a coordinated manner to realise the company’s projects and reach its goals.

A progressive, “Lean” approach to management, oriented towards maximising and truly engaging people, brings with it significant benefits both in terms of increased performance and work quality and also in terms of high levels of individual satisfaction. All of this leads the previously untapped creative energy within the organisation to be released and utilised.

Therefore, learning the working mechanisms behind a team is an important professional background for meeting company goals and integrating people into the company both in day-to-day practices and market-related projects as well as the organisational and technological innovation process.

The course explores the processes behind how a team is created, functions and remains motivated and provides techniques to transform your own work group into a close-knit, high-performing, efficient team… in a word, “Lean”


  • Know the dynamics and mechanisms behind a successful team
  • Understand the relationship between organisational elements and relational elements within the team
  • Motivating people to focus on a group goal
  • Understand the network of interdependent roles within the team
  • Understand and appreciate the potential of each team member
  • Carry out the role of coach and mentor
  • Maintain team efficiency, even in times of crisis

Addressed to

  • Open to all



  • Work groups and group work
  • The 4 types of work groups: functional, interfunctional, project, corporate
  • Productivity in work groups
  • Stages in a team’s life cycle
  • The key factors for motivating people
  • The role and responsibilities of the team leader

The conditions for creating a successful team

  • At what point is it my team? Self-diagnosing a team and how it may be malfunctioning based on the Lencioni model
  • Essential elements for building and ensuring the operability of a work group
  • The importance of a team objective: how to structure a team to make it easier to share the objective
  • Individual’s progress within a team towards achieving its goals (Beckhard’s model)
  • Implicit rules and explicit rules
  • Modes of participation and integration
  • Rewarding behaviours

Developing coordinated production in your own work group

  • Team and role
  • The roles within the team
  • Functional roles for a high-performance team: the roles required, role allocation, predisposition to taking certain roles

Team management

  • Obstacles to group work
  • Barriers to collaboration
  • Recognising individual styles
  • Efficient teams

Development and growth within a high-performance team

  • The role of the manager
  •  Managers’ personal characteristics and communication attributes in leading a work group
  • Using delegation to incentivise development in work groups: to accomplish the task, for individual development, to increase team spirit and to achieve goals
  • Maintaining communication within the team
  • Interpersonal dynamics and communication networks
  • The 4 stages of team building and development: from commitment to maturity to maintaining effectiveness
  • Recognising each step and developing your team towards performance
  • Focusing on team cohesion: recognising bonding factors
  • Advantages and disadvantages of increased cohesion

Managing critical issues and conflicts

  • Main causes of conflict within teams
  • The subjects involved
  • The difference between conflict and clash
  • Conflict as a resource
  • The phases of conflict management
  • Roles in conflict management

You will experience

  • Evaluate a team’s effectiveness
  • Choose the right blend of people to maximise a team’s effectiveness
  • How to manage stressful moments in a team
  • How to best motivate a team

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