Lean Manufacturing

2 days

The worldwide paradigm to increase value and eliminate waste

course code 3.7

What is the course for


Learn the Principles of Lean Manufacturing: maximise value for customers by eliminating waste throughout the value chain


Recognise the waste inherent in production and learn how to autonomously eliminate it


Promote a culture focused on continuous improvement in the productive field

Over the years, business systems have been made overly complex by managers and professionals, moving away from the concept of obtaining maximum value from minimum effort. Lean Manufacturing (or more simply “Lean”) is a systematic method, started by Toyota and now successfully employed by thousands of companies around the world, for eliminating waste (“Muda”) in production systems. This approach focuses on drastically reducing flow times and the continual search for operational excellence. The essence of Lean Manufacturing can be summed up as “obtaining the maximum value from the minimum possible effort”.

Initially developed by Toyota and then imported to the United States and Europe in the 1980s, Lean Manufacturing became the main point of reference for any company looking to improve their production processes through a different cultural approach. Concepts like Value, Value Stream Mapping, Kanban, and Quick Set-up  have now become part of the common lexicon and the pursuit of operational excellence is now a vital necessity for companies that want to remain competitive. In this training course participants acquire the core principals and the key techniques and experiment with them in order to put these concepts into practice.


  • Learn the Principles of Lean Manufacturing: Maximise value for the customer by eliminating waste throughout the value chain
  • Recognise the waste inherent in production and learn how to autonomously eliminate it
  • Promote a culture focused on continuous improvement in the productive field

Addressed to

  • Industrialisation
  • Production Manager
  • Planning
  • Foremen
  • Quality


The Basics

  • The Toyota Production System
  • Background
  • The concept of value and the 7 types of waste in production
  • How to identify added value in processes
  • Identifying waste: observation, mapping, quantitative analysis, etc.
  • 3 Gen and Lean spirit

The Value Stream

  • Value Stream Mapping for analysing the production Value Stream
  • How and when to involve staff in the mapping of value and waste
  • Flow and pull production
  • Production levelling and the Heijunka Box
  • Implementing pull production: kanban and the supermarket
  • Quantitative tools for the correct proportioning of kanban

Continuous process improvement

  • Visual management and work standards
  • Collecting improvement proposals: the dos and don’ts to obtain maximum involvement and maximum results
  • The 5S method for organising an exemplary workplace
  • Measuring processes through OEE deployment
  • Why reducing set-up is a key factor in Lean Manufacturing
  • How and when to implement Quick Set-up
  • Implementing a Lean Transformation: designing a transformation road map

You will experience

  • How to map value
  • How to identify and eliminate production waste
  • How to design pull production, proportioning Kanban and the supermarket

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