29 Jun 2017
Executive Workshop

Impact-Innovation Lab
High-Impact innovation in Action

Kilometro Rosso
Orario: 14:30 - 18:00

Why is it that some companies constantly able to innovate their products and services while others aren’t? Why are some companies, even though they continue to develop new products and services, forced to constantly lower prices while others seem immune to market forces?

One of the main reasons is that companies are focused on improving the features of their products and services instead of trying to develop high-impact innovations, i.e. solutions that can generate greater value for their customers and help them to achieve their goals while, at the same time, driving increased sales and margins for their business.

Customers do not want products; they’re seeking solutions that can help them achieve their goals. Changing perspective in this way should be the basis for  developing any successful product/service and differentiates those who are able to continually and successfully innovate from those who fail.

To create high-impact innovations, it is not enough to rely solely on brainstorming techniques or individual creativity. Rather, we need to rethink products and services strategically by shifting competition on to factors currently neglected by the market in order to create a clear and focused differentiating proposal.

Creting a structured and consistent system to continually fuel the company’s engine for innovation, therefore, plays a fundamental role.


Lenovys’ Impact Innovation Lab – in partnership with the  Politecnico di Milano School of Management’s Design Thinking for Business Observatory is reserved for entrepreneurs and managers and is an opportunity to develop your ability to generate high-impact innovations. In particular, you will learn how to:

  • Generate high-impact innovation.
  • Constantly create new market spaces.
  • Stand out from the competition.
  • Identify customers’ real needs and expectations and transform them into business opportunities for your company.
  • Recognise opportunities for high-impact innovation in business models, product systems and in customer relationship systems.

In addition to discussing real-life examples, the workshop will provide one practical exercise session, lasting 45 minutes. This is a unique opportunity for guided learning and experimentation in the field, as well as an important opportunity to network and compare notes with industry experts.


Participant registration
15:00 - 16:30
Impact-Innovation Lab
Gabriele Colombo - Lenovys Innovation Master
16:30 - 17:45
17:45 - 18:00
Q&A Session
save the date 2017-06-29 14:30:00 2017-06-29 18:00:00 Europe/Berlin Impact-Innovation Lab Why is it that some companies constantly able to innovate their products and services while others aren’t? Why are some companies, even though they continue to develop new products and services, forced to constantly lower prices while others seem immune to market forces? One of the main reasons is that companies are focused on improving the […] Kilometro Rosso Lenovys Srl [email protected]


Gabriele Colombo

Lenovys Innovation Master. Gabriele has devoted and developed his skills, in particular in the field of Innovation, according to the logic of design-driven innovation by applying these concepts in the research and development departments of multinational companies.

He has been responsible for defining, planning and implementing research and consulting programs related to the world of innovation and continuous improvement; he also brings this experience to his role as a lecturer of project management and innovation management at the Politecnico di Milano's School of Management.


For more info contact the secretariat: [email protected]


Kilometro Rosso
Schedule: 14:30 - 18:00
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