Innovation Enablers

1 day

Enabling continuous and sustainable innovation

course code 2.5

What is the course for


Creating a culture and motivation towards innovation


Acquire the methods and tools to use innovation-enhancing factors more appropriately


Creating a culture and motivation towards innovation

The term Innovation Enablers refers to the enabling factors (organisation, skills, network building, etc.) necessary to create a business environment conducive to innovation. Orienting an entire company towards innovation involves more than just carrying out certain research projects aimed at specific working groups. Allowing the company’s innovative potential to flourish on its own merits and know-how is also not possible. Companies become the best because they are able to exploit all the available resources. INDUSTRY 4.0 is often spoken about nowadays but few companies are learning to exploit the true potential inherent in this revolution.

That is why it is necessary to insist on structurally developing the capacity and the enabling factors which lead to innovation, in order to attain real institutional capability to reliably and repeatedly innovate over time, independent of luck or the talent of a single employee and relying instead on a series of organisational behaviours.


  • Support the company’s ability to innovate by creating an environment conducive to innovation
  • Create a culture and motivation for innovation
  • Understand enabling factors and the constraints of using external resources
  • Develop the ability to utilise resources outside the company
  • Understand the enabling factors that can amplify the results from using internal resources
  • Acquire the methods and tools to use innovation-enhancing factors more appropriately

Addressed to

  • Entrepreneurs
  • CEOs
  • General management, Business Unit managers
  • Sales management
  • Marketing management
  • Technical directors, R&D managers


An important resource: the quantity and quality of spiritual energy in the company

  • Spiritual energy to achieve a strong finish
  • Developing your Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP)

External resources: using resources and information outside the company

  • Effectively utilise forms of on-demand staffing
  • Create open business models: community, crowd & open innovation
  • Benefit from shared assets
  • Benefit from involving agents from outside the company

Internal resources: using resources and information within the company

  • A clear definition of the work required in order to create innovation
  • Transparency and smart performance reviews: the role of dashboards

  • Creating a start-up environment to support the development of high-impact innovation
  • The role of the chief engineer (shusa) in implementing an impact proposal

Individual resources and enabling social skills

  • Removing social and organisational obstacles
  • Increasing individual energy in order to achieve goals more quickly
  • Replacing old mental patterns in favour of new ones

Digital Innovation and industry 4.0

  • How your company can profit from the concept of Cyber ​​Physical Systems (CPS)
  • Lean Manufacturing 4.0
  • IoT (Internet of Things)
  • Big Data Management

You will experience

  • How to point the organisation towards a single, shared goal
  • How to employ external resources to accelerate the introduction of high-impact innovations
  • How to organise internal resources to free up the entire organisation’s ability to innovate
  • How to use and customise the wave of Industry 4.0
  • How to remove social and organisational obstacles inherent in all innovation projects

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